Saturday, January 10, 2015


Howdy. The name is Blair. I live in Toronto. I'm a dad, a spouse, an IT nerd (i.e. technology hoarder), photographer, reformed overspender, occasionally nice and/or funny and have a lot of stuff. So much stuff that my motto is becoming "Everything Must Go". Well, not everything. But a fair bit. On their way to the bin/Goodwill/shelf, I'll take a photo of a random piece of stuff and tell a story about said item. I can't promise Shakespeare, or even that guy who trolls you for having a pimple on your nose. But chances are the story will be interesting. If only to me.

1 comment:

  1. Hi. I was wondering if you have a contact email? I have some personal questions I like to ask about several photos you took in the Leslieville area.
